Your mum’s so fat, that when she sits on a bus, the bus does a wheelie – Jokes and More. Yo mama so fat she left the house in high heels and when she came back she had on flip flops.
Yo momma’s so fat, she’s got more chins than a Hong Kong phonebook
Yo mama so fat God told her he had no room in heaven and the devil said there was no room in hell (Submitted by)Yo Mama so fat her BMI is measured in acres.Submitted by
These jokes are about fat mothers, specifically Yo Momma!
*** Welcome to*** You’ll notice that there are no graphics on this site. Just hundreds of funny jokes arranged in no particular order.
Some jokes are simply funny & some are plain stupid jokes. And then there are some that are too dumb, they are actually hilarious and make you laugh out loud. 31 Stupid Jokes That Are So Dumb, They’re Actually Funny! #17 Is EPIC .
30 -tested (and -approved!) jokes. Prepare for giggling and knee slapping!
Yo mama Jokes, including yo mama so fat, yo mama so stupid, so poor, so ugly, and much more.
Fat Jokes. Fat Jokes. Fat Jokes. Fat Jokes. Fat Jokes. Yo momma’s so fat, I took a picture of her last year, and it’s still printing! Kelly is so fat, he jumped on a scale once and plowed through to CHINA!!
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